Tata Motors, India’s leading automotive manufacturer, today announced the launch of the new avatars of its iconic, flagship SUV Safari and its trendsetting, premium SUV Harrier. With significant design changes and the addition of several futuristic technologies, the new Safari and Harrier significantly enhance the overall experience to set new standards for the industry. Certified by the prestigious 5-star GNCAP, the new Safari and Harrier have the unique distinction of achieving the highest scores of an Indian vehicle for adult occupant protection (33.05/34) and protection children (45.00/49), making them the highest rated cars. Safest vehicle to drive on Indian roads. Built on the OMEGARC architecture, derived from Land Rover's popular D8 platform, these powerful and stylish SUVs start at ₹16.19 Lakh (for the new Safari) and ₹15. 49 Lakh Lakh (for new Harrier). They are offered in four distinct body styles, illustrating the demanding preferences and diverse lifestyles of today's SUV customers.
Highlights of the new Safari and Harrier
- 7 airbags with 6 as standard across personas
- 31.24 cm Harman Touchscreen Infotainment system
- 26.03 cm configurable Instrument Cluster with Navigation Display
- 10 speaker JBL music system with Advanced Harman AudioworX with 13 bespoke acoustic modes (first in the world)
- ADAS with 12 Features
- Gesture Controlled Power Tailgate (first in segment)
- Voice support with 250+ commands in 6 languages with 4 independent voice assistants (first in segment)
- Ventilated first and second row seats
- New Safari Introductory Price (In Rs Lacs)
New Harrier Introductory Price (In Rs Lacs)
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